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Summer Adventure Camp is a Christian-based program that offers STEAM related themes for children who are 2 years, up to entering 5th grade.
We strive to provide every child an opportunity to grow in all areas: intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social, and physical.
Is lunch provided every day?
No, lunch is provided one day a week (usually Monday or Friday). Will send closer to the time. PACK YOUR LUNCHES OTHERWISE.
Are there any allergy restrictions?
No Epipens below age 2. We are not a peanut free zone.
Can we pick our days of attendance?
No, we only offer the weeks listed. You will pay for all of the days, even if your child doesn not attend for one of them.
See registration forms.
When is payment due?
Specifically for STEM classes/field trips (4 AND UP). See registration forms.
Are there an extra fees?
Yes, however, 3 and above do not.
Do they have a nap?
Special Summer Camp Notes:
If your child is currently enrolled in our program, we can use the shot records we have on file for them; however, you must still complete the remainder of the packet.
If your child is in elementary school, you need to list the school they attend to cover shot records or simply provide a copy of their shot record.
If your child is new to our program or has not attended elementary school, you will need to provide a shot record upon registering.
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